
Monday, 2 September 2019

Issues Of Climate Change

Aim: To learn about the different activities that contribute to climate change.

  • Industry-  Factories make clothes, cars, electronics and processed fools that create pollution. 
  • Transport- Most cars need gas or diesel to make them work. Gas and diesel come from oil. which is a fossil fuel.
  • Waste- Landfills are covering more healthy land, and when it breaks down it makes greenhouse gasses.
  • Cows- Cows create greenhouse gasses called methane when they burp and fart.
  • Food- The food creates a lot of pollution, by having to transport it by ships, planes, trains, and trucks. 
  • Electricity- Electricity is a form of energy used to power almost everything in our homes, Elcectrcity can come from renewable resources, but it can come from non-renewable rescourses.