
Tuesday, 21 July 2020

How Foes Music enhance the story?

Major- Written in major key, happy tone
Minor- Written in minor key, sad/creepy tone

Fast- makes it feel energetic, gives movement 
Slow- makes it feel lethargic, boring

Loud (Forte)- Feels intense, shocking, builds emotion
Quiet (Piano)- Draw in viewer focus, background
Quiet to loud- build intensity/energy
Loud to quiet- drains intensity/energy

Diagetic Sound - Sounds added to a film to a film eg music, explosions
Non Diagetic Sounds- Sounds that occur naturally, wind in the trees, footsteps

Song Feelings:
1- Happy, Dancey (Major)
2- Sad, Moody (Minor)
 Coraline Music-

Coraline Intro:
Minor, Childlike but creepy and unsettling
Moderate/Fast, increases focus, movement
Changes dynamics often, focus, builds intensity

Mouse Circus:
Minor, Unsettling
Fast, Energetic
Loud, Playful, gets your attention

Ghost Children:
Minor, creepy, unsettling, low,
Slow- moments where it picks up, Lethargic, lazy
Changes, creepy, makes you concentrate on whats happening